Author | Year | Title |
McPherson, M.R, D.R. Zak, I. Ibáñez, R.A. Upchurch and W.A. Argiroff | 2024 | Arbuscular mycorrhizal diversity increases across a plant productivity gradient driven by soil nitrogen availability |
Gacura, M. D., D. R. Zak and C. B .Blackwood | 2024 | From individual leaves to forest stands: importance of niche, distance decay, and stochasticity vary by ecosystem type and functional group for fungal community composition |
Propson, B. E., D. R. Zak, A. T. Classen, A. J. Burton and Z. B. Freedman | 2023 | Gains in soil C storage under anthropogenic N deposition are rapidly lost following its cessation |
Argiroff, W. A., D. R. Zak, R. A. Upchurch, P. T. Pellitier and J. P. Belke | 2023 | Fungal community composition and genetic potential regulate fine root decay in northern temperate forests |
Kashian, D. M., D. R. Zak, B. V. Barnes and S. H. Spurr | 2023 | Forest ecology |
Schaffer-Morrison, S. A. Z., and D. R. Zak | 2023 | Mycorrhizal fungal and tree root functional traits: Strategies for integration and future directions |
Bickford, W.A., D.E. Goldberg, D.R. Zak, D.S. Snow, K.P. Kowalski | 2022 | Plant Effects on and Response to Soil Microbes in Native and Non‐native Phragmites australis |
Stratton, A.E., J.J. Comin, I. Siddique, D.R. Zak, L.D. Filipini, R.R. Lucas and J. Blesh | 2022 | Assessing Cover Crop and Intercrop Performance Along a Farm Management Gradient |
Argiroff, W.A., D.R. Zak, P.T. Pellitier, R.A. Upchurch, J.P. Belke | 2022 | Decay by Ectomycorrhizal Fungi Couples Soil Organic Matter to Nitrogen Availability |
Pellitier, P.T., I. Ibáñez, D.R. Zak, W.A. Argiroff and K. Acharya | 2021 | Ectomycorrhizal Access to Organic Nitrogen Mediates CO2 Fertilization Response in a Dominant Temperate Tree |
Pellitier, P. T., D.R. Zak, W.A. Argiroff and R.A. Upchurch | 2021 | Coupled Shifts in Ectomycorrhizal Communities and Plant Uptake of Organic Nitrogen Along a Soil Gradient: An Isotopic Perspective |
Kurz, A.Y., J.D. Blum, M.W. Johnson, K. Nadelhoffer and D.R. Zak | 2021 | Isotopic composition of mercury deposited via snow into mid-latitude ecosystems |
Pellitier, P.T. and D.R. Zak | 2021 | Ectomycorrhizal fungal decay traits along a soil nitrogen gradient |
Pellitier, P.T. and D.R. Zak | 2021 | Ectomycorrhizal root tips harbor distinctive fungal associates along a soil nitrogen gradient |
Bickford, W.A., D.R. Zak, K.P. Kowalski and D.E. Goldberg | 2020 | Differences in Rhizosphere Microbial Communities Between Native and Non‐native Phragmites australis May depend on Stand Density |
Pellitier, P.T., D.R. Zak, and S.O. Salley | 2019 | Environmental filtering structures fungal endophyte communities in tree bark |
Argiroff, W.A, D.R. Zak, R.A. Upchurch, S.O. Salley and A.S. Grandy | 2019 | Anthropogenic N deposition alters soil organic matter biochemistry and microbial communities on decaying fine roots |
Zak, D.R., W.A. Argiroff, Z.B. Freedman, R.A Upchurch, E.M. Entwistle and K.J Romanowicz | 2019 | Anthropogenic N deposition, fungal gene expression, and an increasing soil carbon sink in the Northern Hemisphere |
Gan, Huijie, D.R. Zak and M.D. Hunter | 2019 | Scale dependency of dispersal limitation, environmental filtering and biotic interactions determine the diversity and composition of oribatid mite communities |
Zak, D.R., P.T. Pellitier, W.A. Argiroff, B. Castillo, et al. | 2019 | Exploring the role of ectomycorrhizal fungi in soil carbon dynamics |
Walker, A.P., M.G. De Kauwe, B.E. Medlyn, et al. | 2019 | Decadal biomass increment in early secondary succession woody ecosystems is increased by CO2 enrichment |
Pellitier, P.T. and D.R. Zak | 2018 | Ectomycorrhizal fungi and the enzymatic liberation of nitrogen from soil organic matter: why evolutionary history matters |
Ibanez, I., D.R. Zak, A.J. Burton and K.S. Pregitzer | 2018 | Anthropogenic nitrogen deposition ameliorates the decline in tree growth caused by a drier climate |
Entwistle, E.M., D.R. Zak & W.A. Argiroff | 2018 | Anthropogenic N deposition increases soil C storage by reducing the relative abundance of lignolytic fungi |
Entwistle, E.M., K.J. Romanowicz, W.A. Argiroff, Z.B. Freedman, J.J. Morris & D.R. Zak | 2018 | Anthropogenic N deposition alters the composition of expressed class II fungal peroxidases |
Bickford, W.A., D.E. Goldberg, K.P. Kowalski & D.R. Zak | 2018 | Root endophytes and invasiveness: no difference between native and non‐native Phragmites in the Great Lakes Region |
Norby, R.J., M.G. De Kauwe, A.P. Walker, C. Werner, S. Zaehle and D.R. Zak | 2017 | Comment on "Mycorrhizal association as a primary control of the CO2 fertilization effect" |
Cline, L.C., D.R. Zak, R.A. Upchurch, Z.B. Freedman and A.R. Peschel | 2017 | Soil microbial communities and elk foraging intensity: implications for soil biogeochemical cycling in the sagebrush steppe |
Argiroff, W.A., D.R. Zak, C.M. Lanser and M.J. Wiley | 2017 | Microbial Community Functional Potential and Composition Are Shaped by Hydrologic Connectivity in Riverine Floodplain Soils |
Zak, D.R., Z.B. Freedman, R.A. Upchurch, M. Steffens and I. K Knabner | 2017 | Anthropogenic N Deposition Increases Soil Organic Matter Accumulation Without Altering Its Biochemical Composition |
Romanowicz, K.J. and D.R. Zak | 2017 | Activity of an introduced earthworm (Lumbricus terrestris) increases under future rates of atmospheric nitrogen deposition in northern temperate forests |
Freedman, Z.B, R.A. Upchurch and D.R. Zak | 2016 | Microbial Potential for Ecosystem N Loss Is Increased by Experimental N Deposition |
Romanowicz, K.J., Z.B. Freedman, R.A. Upchurch, W.A. Argirof and, D.R. Zak | 2016 | Active microorganisms in forest soils differ from the total community yet are shaped by the same environmental factors: the influence of pH and soil moisture |
Ibanez, I., D.R. Zak, A.J. Burton and K.S. Pregitzer | 2016 | Chronic nitrogen deposition alters tree allometric relationships: Implications for biomass production and carbon storage |
Freedman, Z.B., R.A. Upchurch, D.R. Zak and L.C. Cline | 2016 | Anthropogenic N deposition slows decay by favoring bacterial metabolism: Insights from metagenomic analyses |
Mueller, R.C., L.V. Gallegos-Graves, D.R. Zak and C.R. Kuske | 2016 | Assembly of Active Bacterial and Fungal Communities Along a Natural Environmental Gradient |
Freedman, Z.B., K.J. Romanowicz, R.A. Upchurch and D.R. Zak | 2015 | Differential responses of total and active soil microbial communities to long-term experimental N deposition |
Cline, L.C. and D.R. Zak | 2015 | Initial colonization, community assembly and ecosystem function: fungal colonist traits and litter biochemistry mediate decay rate |
Cline, L.C. and D.R. Zak | 2015 | Soil Microbial Communities are Shaped by Plant-Driven Changes in Resource Availability During Secondary Succession |
Freedman, Z.B. and D.R. Zak | 2015 | Atmospheric N Deposition Alters Connectance, but not Functional Potential Among Saprotrophic Bacterial Communities |
Peschel, A.R., D.R. Zak, L.C. Cline and Z.B. Freedman | 2015 | Elk, sagebrush, and saprotrophs: indirect top-down control on microbial community composition and function |
Freedman, Z.B. and D.R. Zak | 2015 | Soil bacterial communities are shaped by temporal and environmental filtering: evidence from a long_term chronosequence |
Hesse, C.N., R.C. Mueller, M. Vuyisich, L.V. Gallegos-Graves, C.D. Gleasner, D.R. Zak and C.R. Kuske | 2015 | Forest floor community metatranscriptomes identify fungal and bacterial responses to N deposition in two maple forests |
Dunbar, J., B. Stevens, R.C. Mueller, C. Hesse, D.R. Zak and C.R. Kuske | 2014 | Surface soil fungal and bacterial communities in aspen stands are resilient to eleven years of elevated CO 2 and O 3 |
Talhelm, A.F., K.S. Pregitzer, M.E. Kubiske, D.R. Zak, C.E. Campany, A.J. Burton, R.E. Dickson, G.R. Hendrey, J.G. Isebrands, K.F. Lewin, J. Nagy and D.F. Karnosky | 2014 | Elevated carbon dioxide and ozone alter productivity and ecosystem carbon content in northern temperate forests |
Freedman, Z.B. and D.R. Zak | 2014 | Atmospheric N deposition increases bacterial laccase-like multicopper oxidases: implications for organic matter decay |
Zak, D.R. | 2014 | Ecosystem Succession and Nutrient Retention: Vitousek and Reiners' Hypothesis |
Cline, L.C. and D.R. Zak | 2014 | Dispersal limitation structures fungal community assembly in a long_term glacial chronosequence |
Kellner, H., P. Luis, M.J. Pecyna, F. Barbi, D. Kapturska, D. Kruger, D.R. Zak, R. Marmeisse, M. Vandenbol, M. Hofrichter | 2014 | Widespread occurrence of expressed fungal secretory peroxidases in forest soils |
Gan, H., D.R. Zak and M.D. Hunter | 2014 | Trophic stability of soil oribatid mites in the face of environmental change |
Freedman, Z.B., S.D. Eisenlord, D.R. Zak, K. Xue, Z. He, J. Zhou | 2013 | Towards a molecular understanding of N cycling in northern hardwood forests under future rates of N deposition |
Van Diepen, L.A., E.M. Entwistle and D.R. Zak | 2013 | Chronic nitrogen deposition and the composition of active arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi |
Gan, H., D.R. Zak, M.D. Hunter | 2013 | Chronic nitrogen deposition alters the structure and function of detrital food webs in a northern hardwood ecosystem |
Demers, J.D., J.D. Blum and D.R. Zak | 2013 | Mercury isotopes in a forested ecosystem: Implications for air_surface exchange dynamics and the global mercury cycle |
Eisenlord, S.D., Z.B. Freedman, D.R. Zak, K. Xue, Z. He and J. Zhou | 2013 | Microbial mechanisms mediating increased soil C storage under elevated atmospheric N deposition |
Entwistle, E.M., D.R. Zak and I.P. Edwards | 2013 | Long-term experimental nitrogen deposition alters the composition of the active fungal community in the forest floor |
Burton, A.J., J.C. Jarvey, M.P. Jarvi, D.R. Zak and K.S. Pregitzer | 2012 | Chronic N deposition alters root respiration-tissue N relationship in northern hardwood forests |
Dunbar, J., S.A. Eichorst, L.V. Gallegos-Graves, S. Silva, G. Xie, N.W. Hengartner, R.D. Evans, B.A. Hungate, R.B. Jackson, J. P. Megonigal, C.W. Schadt, R. Vilgalys, D.R. Zak and C. R. Kuske | 2012 | Common bacterial responses in six ecosystems exposed to 10 years of elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide |
Eisenlord, S.D., D.R. Zak and R.A. Upchurch | 2012 | Dispersal limitation and the assembly of soil Actinobacteria communities in a long-term chronosequence |
Patterson, S.L., D.R. Zak, A.J. Burton, A.F. Talhelm and K.S. Pregitzer | 2012 | Simulated N deposition negatively impacts sugar maple regeneration in a northern hardwood ecosystem |
Templer, P.H., M.C. Mack, F.S. Chapin, III, L.M. Christenson, J.E. Compton, H.D. Crook, W.S. Currie, C.J. Curtis, D.B. Dail, C.M. DÕAntonio, B.A. Emmett, H.E. Epstein, C.L. Goodale, P. Gundersen, S.E. Hobbie, K. Holland, D.U. Hooper, B.A. Hungate, S.Lamontagne, K.J. Nadelhoffer, C.W. Osenberg, S.S. Perakis, P. Schleppi, J. Schimel, I.K. Schmidt, M. Sommerkorn, J. Spoelstra, A. Tietema, W.W. Wessel and D.R. Zak | 2012 | Sinks for nitrogen inputs in terrestrial ecosystems: a meta-analysis of 15N tracer field studies |
Thomas, D.C., D.R. Zak and T.R. Filley | 2012 | Chronic N deposition does not apparently alter the biochemical composition of forest ßoor and soil organic matter |
Whittinghill, K.A., W.S. Currie, D.R. Zak, A.J. Burton and K.S. Pregitzer | 2012 | Anthropogenic N Deposition Increases Soil C Storage by Decreasing the Extent of Litter Decay: Analysis of Field Observations with an Ecosystem Model |
Zak, D.R., M.E. Kubiske, K.S. Pregitzer and A.J. Burton | 2012 | Atmospheric CO2 and O3 alter competition for soil nitrogen in developing forests |
Edwards, I.P. and D.R. Zak | 2011 | Fungal community composition and function after long-term exposure of northern forests to elevated atmospheric CO2 and tropospheric O3 |
Edwards, I.P., D.R. Zak, H. Kellner, S.D. Eisenlord, and K.S. Pregitzer | 2011 | Simulated Atmospheric N Deposition Alters Fungal Community Composition and Suppresses Ligninolytic Gene Expression in a Northern Hardwood Forest |
Fornara, D.A., R. Bardgett, S. Steinbeiss, D.R. Zak, G. Gleixner, and D. Tilman | 2011 | Plant effects on soil N mineralization are mediated by the composition of multiple soil organic fractions |
Hofmockel, K.S., D.R. Zak, K.K. Moran and J.D. Jastrow | 2011 | Changes in forest soil organic matter pools after a decade of elevated CO2 and O3 |
Norby, R.J. and D.R. Zak | 2011 | Ecological Lessons from Free-Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE) Experiments |
Schweitzer, J.A., D.G. Fischer, B.J. Rehill, S.C. Wooley, S.A. Woolbright, R.L. Lindroth, T.G. Whitham, D.R. Zak and S.C. Hart | 2011 | Forest gene diversity is correlated with the composition and function of soil microbial communities |
Talhelm, A.F., K.S. Pregitzer, A.J. Burton and D.R. Zak | 2011 | Air pollution and the changing biogeochemistry of northern forests |
Weber, C. F., D.R. Zak, B.A. Hungate, R.B. Jackson, R. Vilgalys, R.D. Evans, C.W. Schadt, J.P. Megonigal and C.R. Kuske | 2011 | Responses of soil cellulolytic fungal communities to elevated atmospheric CO2 are complex and variable across five ecosystems |
Zak, D.R., K.S. Pregitzer, A.J. Burton, I.P. Edwards and H. Kellner | 2011 | Microbial responses to a changing environment: implications for the future functioning of terrestrial ecosystems |
Zak, D.R., K.S. Pregitzer, M.E. Kubiske and A.J. Burton | 2011 | Forest productivity under elevated CO2 and O3: positive feedbacks to soil N cycling sustain decade-long net primary productivity enhancement by CO2 |
Edwards, I.P. and D.R. Zak | 2010 | Phylogenetic similarity and structure of Agaricomycotina communities across a forested landscape |
Eisenlord, S.D. and D.R. Zak | 2010 | Simulated Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition Alters Actinobacterial Community Composition in Forest Soils |
McGuire, K.L., D.R. Zak, I.P. Edwards, C.B. Blackwood, and R.A. Upchurch | 2010 | Slowed decomposition is biotically mediated in an ectomycorrhizal, tropical rain forest |
Pregitzer, K.S., D.R. Zak, A.F. Talhelm, A.J. Burton, and J.R. Eikenberry | 2010 | Nitrogen turnover in the leaf litter and fine roots of sugar maple |
Chung, H. D.R. Zak and P.B. Reich | 2009 | Microbial assimilation of new photosynthate is altered by plant species richness and nitrogen deposition |
Hassett, J.E., D.R. Zak, C.S. Blackwood and K.S. Pregitzer | 2009 | Are Basidiomycete Laccase Gene Abundance and Composition Related to Reduced Lignolytic Activity Under Elevated Atmospheric NO3 _ Deposition in a Northern Hardwood Forest? |
Kellner, H. and D.R. Zak | 2009 | Detection of expressed fungal Type I polyketide synthase genes in a forest soil |
Lauber, C.L., R.L. Sinsabaugh and D.R. Zak | 2009 | Laccase Gene Composition and Relative Abundance in Oak Forest Soil is not Affected by Short-Term Nitrogen Fertilization |
Talhelm, A.F., K.S. Pregitzer and D.R. Zak | 2009 | Species-specific responses to atmospheric carbon dioxide and tropospheric ozone mediate changes in soil carbon |
Dybzinski, R., J.E. Fargione, D.R. Zak, D. Fornara and D. Tilman | 2008 | Soil fertility increases with plant species diversity in a long-term biodiversity experiment |
Eddy, W.C., D.R. Zak, W.E. Holmes, K.S. Pregitzer | 2008 | Chronic Atmospheric NO3- Deposition Does Not Induce NO3- Use by Acer saccharum Marsh |
Edwards, I.P., R.A. Upchurch D.R. Zak | 2008 | Isolation of Fungal Cellobiohydrolase I Genes from Sporocarps and Forest Soils by PCR |
Grandy, A.S., R.L. Sinsabaugh, J.C. Neff, M. Stursova, D.R. Zak | 2008 | Nitrogen deposition effects on soil organic matter chemistry are linked to variation in enzymes, ecosystems and size fractions |
Lesaulnie, C., D. Papamichail, S. McCorkle, B. Ollivier, S. Skiena, S. Taghavi, D. Zak, and D. van der Lelie | 2008 | Elevated atmospheric CO2 affects soil microbial diversity associated with trembling aspen |
Pregitzer, K.S., A.J. Burton, D.R. Zak, and A.F. Talhelm | 2008 | Simulated chronic nitrogen deposition increases carbon storage in Northern Temperate forests |
Pregitzer, K.S., A.J. Burton, J.S. King and D.R. Zak | 2008 | Soil respiration, root biomass, and root turnover following long-term exposure of northern forests to elevated atmospheric CO2 and tropospheric O3 |
Sinsabaugh, R.L., C.L. Lauber, M.N. Weintraub, B. Ahmed, S.D. Allison, C. Crenshaw, A.R. Contosta, D. Cusack, S. Frey, M.E. Gallo, T.B. Gartner, S.E. Hobbie, K. Holland, B.L. Keeler, J.S. Powers, M. Stursova, C. Takacs-Vesbach, M.P. Waldrop, M.D. Wallenstein, D.R. Zak and L.H. Zeglin | 2008 | Stoichiometry of soil enzyme activity at global scale |
Zak, Donald R., William E. Holmes, Andrew J. Burton, Kurt S. Pregitzer, and Alan F. Talhelm | 2008 | Simulated Atmospheric NO3- Deposition Increases Soil Organic Matter by Slowing Decomposition |
Allison, V.J., T.K. Rajaniemi, D.E. Goldberg, D.R Zak | 2007 | Quantifying Direct and Indirect Effects of Fungicide on an Old-Field Plant Community: An Experimental Null-Community Approach |
Blackwood, C.B., D. Hudleston, D.R. Zak, and J.S. Buyer | 2007 | Interpreting Ecological Diversity Indices Applied to Terminal Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism Data: Insights from Simulated Microbial Communities |
Blackwood, C.B., M. P. Waldrop, D. R. Zak, and R. L. Sinsabaugh | 2007 | Molecular Analysis of Fungal Communitites and Laccase Genes in Decomposing Litter Reveals Differences Among Forest Types But No Impact of Nitrogen Deposition |
Chung, H., D.R. Zak, P.B. Reich, D.S. Ellsworth | 2007 | Plant Species Richness, Elevated Carbon Dioxide, and Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition Alter Soil Microbial Community Composition and Function |
Finzi, A.C., R.J. Norby, C. Calfapietra, A. Gallet-Budynek, B. Gielen, W.E. Holmes, M.R. Hoosbeek, C.M. Iversen, R.B. Jackson, M.E. Kubiske, J. Ledford, M. Liberloo, R. Oren, A. Polle, S. Pritchard, D.R. Zak, W.H. Schlesinger, and R. Ceulemans | 2007 | Increases in nitrogen uptake rather than nitrogen-use efficiency support higher rates of temperate forest productivity under elevated CO2 |
Hofmockel, K.S., D.R. Zak, C.B. Blackwood | 2007 | Does Atmospheric NO3- Alter the Abundance and Activity of Ligninolytic Fungi in Forest Soils? |
McGuire, K.L. | 2007 | Recruitment Dynamics and Ectomycorrhizal Colonization ofDicymbe corymbosa, a Monodominant Tree in the Guiana Shield |
McGuire, K.L. | 2007 | Common Ectomycorrhizal Networks May Maintain Monodominance in a Tropical Rain Forest |
Sefcik, L.T., D.R. Zak, D.S. Ellsworth | 2007 | Seedling Survival in a Northern Temperate Forest Understory is Increased by Elevated Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition |
Zak, Donald R., William E . Holmes, Kurt S. Pregitzer, John S. King, David S. Ellsworth and Mark E. Kubiske | 2007 | Belowground competition and the response of developing forest communities to atmospheric CO2 and O3 |
Zak, Donald R., William E. Holmes and Kurt S. Pregitzer | 2007 | Atmospheric CO2 and O3 Alter The Flow Of 15N In Developing Forest Ecosystems |
Bandeff, J.M., K.S. Pregitzer, W.M. Loya, W.E. Holmes, D.R. Zak | 2006 | Overstory Community Composition and Elevated Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and Ozone Modify Understory Biomass Production and Nitrogen Acquisition |
Chung, Haegeun, D.R. Zak, E.A. Lilleskov | 2006 | Fungal Community Composition and Metabolism Under Elevated Carbon Dioxide and Ozone |
Edwards, I. P., H. Burgmann, C. Miniaci, and J. Zeyer | 2006 | Variation in Microbial Community Composition and Culturability in the Rhizosphere of Leucanthemopsis alpina (L.) Heywood and Adjacent Bare Soil Along an Alpine Chronosequence |
Holmes, W.E., D. R. Zak, K. S. Pregitzer, and J. S. King | 2006 | Elevated Carbon Dioxide and Ozone Alter Soil Nitrogen Transformations beneath Trembling Aspen, Paper Birch, and Sugar Maple |
Pregitzer, K.S., W.M. Loya, M. Kubiske, D.R. Zak | 2006 | Soil Respiration in Northern Forests Exposed to Elevated Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and Ozone |
Sefcik, L.T., D.R. Zak, D.S. Ellsworth | 2006 | Photosynthetic Responses to Understory Shade and Elevated Carbon Dioxide Concentration in Four Northern Hardwood Tree Species |
Smemo, K.A., D.R. Zak, K.S. Pregitzer | 2006 | Chronic Experimental Nitrate Deposition Reduces the Retention of Leaf Litter DOC in a Northern Hardwood Forest Soil |
Waldrop, M.P. and D.R. Zak | 2006 | Response of Oxidative Enzyme Activities to Nitrogen Deposition Affects Soil Concentrations of Dissolved Organic Carbon |
Waldrop, M.P., D.R. Zak, C.B. Blackwood, C.D. Curtis, D. Tilman | 2006 | Resource Availability Controls Fungal Diversity Across a Plant Diversity Gradient |
Zak, D.R., C.B. Blackwood, M.P. Waldrop | 2006 | A Molecular Dawn for Biogeochemistry |
Zak, D.R., G.W. Kling | 2006 | Microbial Community Composition and Function Across an Arctic Tundra Landscape |
Zak, D.R., W.E. Holmes, M.J. Tomlinson, K.S. Pregitzer, A.J. Burton | 2006 | Microbial Cycling of Carbon and Nitrogen in Northern Hardwood Forests Receiving Chronic Atmospheric Nitrate Deposition |
Allison, J.D., R.M. Miller, J.D. Jastrow, R. Matamala, R. | 2005 | Changes in Soil Microbial Community Composition in a Tallgrass Prarie Chronosequence |
Chapman, J.A., J.S. King, K.S. Pregitzer, and D.R. Zak | 2005 | Effects of Elevated Carbon Dioxide and Tropospheric Ozone on the Decomposition of Fine Roots |
DeForest, J.L., D.R. Zak, K.S. Pregitzer, and A.J. Burton | 2005 | Atmospheric Nitrate Deposition, Declines in Decomposition and Increases in DOC: Test of a Potential Mechanism |
Edwards, I.P., A. Gillespie, J. Chen, K. Johnsen, and R. Turco | 2005 | Spatial Distribution of Ammonium and Calcium in Optimally Fertilized Pine Plantation Soils |
Edwards, I.P., R.F. Turco | 2005 | Inter- and Intraspecific Resolution of nrDNA TRFLP Assesed by Computer-Simulated Restriction Analysis of a Diverse Collection of Ectomycorrhizal Fungi |
Gallo, M.E., C.L. Lauber, S.E. Cabaniss, M. Waldrop, R.L. Sinsabaugh and D.R. Zak | 2005 | Soil Organic Matter and Litter Chemistry Response to Experimental Nitrogen Deposition in Northern Temperate Deciduous Forest Ecosystems |
Hassett, J.E., and D.R. Zak | 2005 | Aspen Harvest Intensity Decreases Microbial Biomass, Extracellular Enzyme Activity and Soil Nitrogen Cycling |
Karnosky, D.F., K.S. Pregitzer, D.R. Zak, M.E. Kubiske, G.R. Hendrey, D. Weinstein, and K.E. Percy | 2005 | Scaling Ozone Responses of Forest Trees to the Ecosystem Level |
King, J.S., K.S. Pregitzer, D.R. Zak, W.E. Holmes, K. Schmidt | 2005 | Fine Root Chemistry and Decomposition in Model Communitites of North-Temperate Tree Species Show Little Response to Elevated Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and Varying Soil Resource Availability |
Paoli, G.D., L.M. Curran and D.R. Zak | 2005 | Phosphorus Efficiency of Aboveground Productivity in Lowland Rain Forest of Indonesian Borneo: A Test of Unimodal Nutrient Response Efficiency Hypothesis |
Sinsabaugh, R.L., M.E. Gallo, C. Lauber, M.P. Waldrop, and D.R. Zak | 2005 | Extracellular Enzyme Activities and Soil Carbon Dynamics for Northern Hardwood Forests Recieving Simulated Nitrogen Deposition |
Burton, A.J., K.S. Pregitzer, J.N. Crawford, G.P. Zogg, and D.R. Zak | 2004 | Chronic Nitrate Additions Reduce Soil Respiration in Northern Hardwood Forests |
DeForest, J.L., D.R. Zak, K.S. Pregitzer, and A.J. Burton | 2004 | Nitrate Deposition and the Microbial Degradation of Cellulose and Lignin in a Northern Hardwood Forest |
DeForest, J.L., D.R. Zak, K.S. Pregitzer, and A.J. Burton | 2004 | Experimental Nitrate Additions Alter Microbial Community Function in Northern Hardwood Forests |
Edwards, I.P., J.L. Cripliver, A.R. Gillespie, K. H. Johnsen, M. Scholler, and R. F. Turco | 2004 | Nitrogen Availability Alters Macrofungal Basidiomycete Community Structure in Optimally Fertilized Loblolly Pine Forests |
Gallo, M., R. Amonette, C. Lauber, R.L. Sinsabaugh and D.R. Zak | 2004 | Microbial Community Structure and Oxidative Enzyme Activity in Nitrogen-Amended North Temperate Forest Soils |
Luo, Y., B. Su, W.S. Currie, J.S. Dukes, A. Finzi, U. Hartwig, B. Hungate, R. McMurtrie, R. Oren, W.J. Parton, D. Pataki, D.R. Zak, and C. Field | 2004 | Progressive Nitrogen Limitation of Ecosystem Responses to Rising Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide |
Pregitzer, K.S., D.R. Zak, A.J. Burton, and J.A. Ashby | 2004 | Chronic Nitrate Additions Dramatically Increase the Export of Carbon and Nitrogen in Northern Hardwood Forests |
Sinsabaugh, R.L., D.R. Zak, M. Gallo, C. Lauber, and A. Amonette | 2004 | Nitrogen Deposition and Dissolved Organic Carbon Production in Northern Temperate Forests |
Waldrop, M.P., D.R. Zak, R.L. Sinsabaugh, M. Gallo, and C. Lauber | 2004 | Nitrogen Deposition Modifies Soil Carbon Storage Through Changes in Microbial Enzyme Activity |
Waldrop, M.P., D.R. Zak, and R.L. Sinsabaugh | 2004 | Microbial Community Response to Nitrogen Deposition in Northern Forest Ecosystems |
White, L.L., D.R. Zak, B.V. Barnes | 2004 | Biomass Accumulation and Nitrogen Availability in an 87-Year-Old Populus grandidentata Chronosequence |
Zak, D.R., K.S. Pregitzer, W.E. Holmes, A.J. Burton, and G.P. Zogg | 2004 | Anthropogenic Nitrogen Deposition and the Fate of Nitrate in a Northern Hardwood Ecosystem |
Holmes, W.E., D.R. Zak, K.S. Pregitzer, and J.S. King | 2003 | Nitrogen Cycling Beneath Populus tremuloides, Betula papyrifera andAcer saccharum Growing Under Elevated Carbon Dioxide and Ozone |
Sinsabaugh, R.L., K. Saiya-Cork, T. Long, M.P. Osgood, D. Neher, D.R. Zak, and R.J. Norby | 2003 | Soil Microbial Activity in a LiquidambarPlantation Unresponsive to Carbon Dioxide Driven Increases in Primary Production |
Williams, E.L., L.M. Walter, T.C.W. Ku, G.W. Kling, and D.R. Zak | 2003 | Effects of CO2 and nutrient availability on mineral weathering in controlled tree growth experiments |
Zak, D.R., W.E. Holmes, A.C. Finzi, R.J. Norby, and W.H. Schlesinger | 2003 | Soil Nitrogen Cycling Under Elevated Carbon Dioxide: A Synthesis of Forest FACE Experiments |
Zak, D.R., W.E. Holmes, D.C. White, A.D. Peacock, and D. Tilman | 2003 | Plant Diversity, Microbial Communitites, and Ecosystem Function: Are There Any Links? |
Davidson, E.A., K. Savage, P. Bolstad, D.A. Clark, P.S. Curtis, D.S. Ellsworth, P.J. Hanson, B.E. Law, Y. Luo, K.S. Pregitzer, J.C. Randolph, D.R. Zak | 2002 | Belowground Carbon Allocation in Forests Estimated From Litterfall and IRGA-Based Soil Respiration Measurements |
Fisk, M., D.R. Zak, and T.R. Crow | 2002 | Nitrogen Strorage and Cycling in Old- and Second-Growth Northern Hardwood Forests |
Karnosky, D.F., D.R. Zak, K.S. Pregitzer, C.S. Awmack, J.G. Bockheim, R.E. Dickson, G.R. Hendrey, G.E. Host, J.S. King, B.J. Kopper, E.L. Kruger, M.E. Kubiske, R.L. Lindroth, W.J. Mattson, E.P. McDonald, A. Noormets, E. Oksanen, W.F.J. Parsons, K.E. Percy, G.K. Podila, D.E. Tiemenschneider, P. Sharma, A. Sober, J. Sober, W.S. Jones, S. Anttonen, E. Vapaavuori, and J.G. Isebrands | 2002 | Tropospheric Ozone Moderates Responses of Temperate Hardwood Forests to Elevated Carbon Dioxide: A Synthesis of Molecular to Ecosystem Results From the Aspen FACE Project |
Kubiske, M.S., D.R. Zak, K.S. Pregitzer, Y. Takeuchi | 2002 | Three Years of Photosynthetic Acclimation to Elevated Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide: Overstory Populus tremuloides and Understory Acer saccharum: Interactions With Shade and Soil Nitrogen |
Larson, J.L., D.R. Zak, and R.L. Sinsabaugh | 2002 | Microbial Activity Beneath Temperate Trees Growing Under Elevated Carbon Dioxide and Ozone |
Percy, K.E., C.S. Awmack, R.L. Lindroth, M.E. Kubiske, B.J. Kopper, J.G. Isebrands, K.S. Pregitzer, G.R. Hendrey, R.E. Dickson, D.R. Zak, E. Oksanen, J. Sober, R. Harrington, & D.F. Karnosky | 2002 | Altered Preformance of Forest Pests Under Carbon Dioxide and Ozone Enriched Atmospheres |
Phillips, R.L., D.R. Zak, and W.E. Holmes | 2002 | Microbial Community Composition and Function Beneath Temperate Trees Exposed to Elevated Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and Ozone |
Saiya-Cork, K.R., R.L. Sisabaugh, and D.R. Zak | 2002 | The Effects of Long-Term Nitrogen Deposition on Extracellular Enzyme Activity in Acer saccharum Forest Soil |
King, J.S., K.S. Pregitzer, D.R. Zak, D.F. Karnosky, I.G. Isebrands, R.E. Dickson, G.R. Hendrey, J. Sober | 2001 | Fine Root Biomass and Fluxes of Soil Carbon in Young Stands of Paper Birch and Trembling Aspen as Affected by Elevated Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and Tropospheric Ozone |
King, J.S., K.S. Pregitzer, D.R. Zak, M.E. Kubiske, J.A. Ashby, and W.E. Holmes | 2001 | Chemistry and Decomposition of Litter From Populus tremuloides Michaux Grown at Elevated Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and Varying Nitrogen Availability |
King, J.S., K.S. Pregitzer, D.R. Zak, M.E. Kubiske, W.E. Holmes | 2001 | Correlation of Foliage and Litter Chemistry of Sugar Maple, Acer saccharum, as Affected by Elevated Carbon Dioxide and Varying Nitrogen Availability, and Effects on Decomposition |
Myers, R.T., D.R. Zak, D.C. White, and A. Peacock | 2001 | Landscape-level Patterns of Microbial Community Composition and Substrate Use in Upland Forest Ecosystems |
Rothstein, D.E. and D.R. Zak | 2001 | Photosynthetic Adaptation and acclimation in Three Temperate, Deciduous-Forest Herbs |
Rothstein, D.E. and D.R. Zak | 2001 | Relationships Between Plant Nitrogen Economy and Life History in Three Deciduous-Forest Herbs |
Wang, X.Z., P.S. Curtis, K.S. Pregitzer, and D.R. Zak | 2001 | Genotypic Variation in Physiological and Growth Responses of Populus tremuloides to Elevated Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentration |
Curtis, P.S., C.S. Vogel, X. Wang, K.S. Pregitzer, D.R. Zak, M.E. Kubiske, and J.A. Teeri | 2000 | Gas Exchange, Leaf Nitrogen, and Growth Efficiency of Populus tremuloides in a Carbon Dioxide Enriched Atmosphere |
Mikan, C.J., D.R. Zak, M.E. Kubiske, and K.S. Pregitzer | 2000 | Combined Effects of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and Nitrogen Availability on the Belowground Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics of Aspen Mesocosms |
Pregitzer, K.S., D.R. Zak, J. Maziasz, J. DeForest, P.S. Curtis, and J. Lussenhop | 2000 | Interactive Effects of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and Soil-Nitrogen Availability on Fine Roots of Populus tremuloides |
Rothstein, D.E., D.R. Zak, K.S. Pregitzer, P.S. Curtis | 2000 | Kinetics of Nitrogen Uptake by Populus tremuloides in Relation to Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and Soil Nitrogen Availability |
Zak, D.R., K.S. Pregitzer, J.S. King, and W.E. Holmes | 2000 | Elevated Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide, Fine Roots and the Response of Soil Microorganisms: A Review and Hypothesis |
Zak, D.R., K.S. Pregitzer, K.S. Curtis, C.S. Vogel, W.E. Holmes, and J. Lussenhop | 2000 | Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide, Soil Nitrogen Availability, and the Allocation of Biomass and Nitrogen inPopulus tremuloides |
Zak, D.R., K.S. Pregitzer, P.S. Curtis, and W.E. Holmes | 2000 | Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and the Composition and Function of Soil Microbial Communitites |
Zogg, G.P., D.R. Zak, K.S. Pregitzer, and A.J. Burton | 2000 | Microbial Immobilization and the Retention of Anthropogenic Nitrate in Northern Hardwood Forests |
Holmes, W.E., and D.R. Zak | 1999 | Nitrogen Dynamics Following Clear-Cut Harvest of Northern Hardwood Ecosystems: Microbial Control Over Spatial Patterns of N Loss |
Iseman, T.M., D.R. Zak, W.E. Holmes, and A.G. Merrill | 1999 | Nitrogen Leaching From Lake States Northern Hardwood Forests Following Clearcut Harvest |
King, J.S., K.S. Pregitzer, and D.R. Zak | 1999 | Clonal Variation in Above- and Below-Ground Growth Responses of Populus tremuloides Michaux: Influence of Soil Warming and Nutrient Availability |
MacDonald, N.W., D.L. Randlett, and D.R. Zak | 1999 | Soil Warming and Carbon Loss From a Lake States Spodosol |
Mansfield, J.L., P.S. Curtis, D.R. Zak and K.S. Pregitzer | 1999 | Genotypic Variation for Condensed Tannin Production in Trembling Aspen (Populus tremuloides) Under Elevated Carbon Dioxide and in High and Low Fertility |
Zak, D.R., W.E. Holmes, N.W. MacDonald, and K.S. Pregitzer | 1999 | Soil Temperature, Matric Potential, and the Kinetics of Microbial Respiration and Net Nitrogen Mineralization in Northern Hardwood Forests |
Burton, A.J., K.S. Pregitzer, G.P. Zogg, and D.R. Zak | 1998 | Drought Reduces Root Respiration in Sugar Maple Forests |
Kubiske, M.E., K.S. Pregitzer, C.J. Mikan, and D.R. Zak | 1998 | Growth and C Allocation of Populus tremuloides Clones in Response to Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and Soil Nitrogen Availability |
Pregitzer, K.S., M.J. Laskowski, A.J. Burton, V.C. Lessard, and D.R. Zak | 1998 | Variation in Northern Hardwood Root Respiration with Root Diameter and Soil Depth |
Burton, A.J., G.P. Zogg, K.S. Pregitzer, and D.R. Zak | 1997 | Effects of Measurement Carbon Dioxide Concentration on Sugar Maple Root Respiration |
Gonzalez, O.J., and D.R. Zak | 1997 | Composition and Structure of Tropical Dry Forest of St. Lucia, West Indies: The Influence of Edaphic Properties and Disturbance |
Klironomos, J.N., M.C. Rillig, M.F. Allen, D.R. Zak, M.E. Kubiske, and K.S. Pregitzer | 1997 | Soil Fungal-Arthropod Responses toPopulus tremuloides Grown Under Enriched Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Under Field Conditions |
Klironomos, J.N., M.F. Allen, M.C. Rillig, D.R. Zak, and K.S. Pregitzer | 1997 | Increased Levels of Aero-Allergenic Fungal Propagules in Response to Elevated Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide |
Kubiske, M.E., K.S. Pregitzer, C.J. Mikan, D.R. Zak, J.L. Maziasz, and J.A. Terri | 1997 | Populus tremuloides Photosynthesis and Crown Architecture in Response to Elevated Carbon Dioxide and Soil Nitrogen Availability |
Zogg, G.P., D.R. Zak, D.B. Ringelberg, N.W. MacDonald, K.S. Pregitzer, and D.C. White | 1997 | Compositional and Functional Shifts in Microbial Communities Related to Soil Warming |
Burton, A.J., G.P. Zogg, K.S. Pregitzer, D.R. Zak | 1996 | Latitudinal Variation in Sugar Maple Fine-Root Respiration |
Randlett, D.L., D.R. Zak, K.S. Pregitzer, P.S. Curtis | 1996 | Elevated Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and Leaf Litter Chemistry: Influences on Microbial Respiration and Nitrogen Mineralization |
Zak, D.R., D. Ringelberg, K.S. Pregitzer, D.L. Randlett, D.W. White, and P.S. Curtis | 1996 | Soil Microbial Communities BeneathPopulus grandidentata Michx. Growing at Elevated Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide |
Zogg, G.P., D.R. Zak, A.J. Burton, and K.S. Pregitzer | 1996 | Fine Root Respiration in Northern Hardwood Forests in Relation to Temperature and Nitrogen Availability |
Babbar, L.I. and D.R. Zak | 1995 | Nitrogen Loss From Coffee Agroecosystems in Costa Rica: Leaching and Denitrification in the Presence and Absence of Shade Trees |
Curtis, P.S., C.S. Vogel, K.S. Pregitzer, D.R. Zak, and J.A. Teeri | 1995 | Interacting Effects of Soil Fertility and Atmospheric Carboen Dioxide on Leaf Area Growth and Carboen Gain Physiology in Populus euramericana |
MacDonald, N.W., D.R. Zak, and K.S. Pregitzer | 1995 | Temperature Effects on the Kinetics of Microbial Respiration and the New Mineralization of Nitrogen and Sulfur |
Pregitzer, K.S., D.R. Zak, P.S. Curtis, M.E. Kubiske, J.A. Teeri, C.S. Vogel | 1995 | Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide, Soil Nitrogen and Fine Root Turnover |
Babbar, L.I., and D.R. Zak | 1994 | Nitrogen Cycling in Coffee Agroecosystems: Net Nitrogen Mineralization and Nitrification in the Presence and Absence of Shade Trees |
Curtis, P.S., D.R. Zak, K.S. Pregitzer, and J.A. Terri | 1994 | Above- and Belowground Response ofPopulus grandidentata to Elevated Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and Soil Nitrogen Availability |
Curtis, P.S., E.G. O'Neill, J.A. Terri, D.R. Zak, and K.S. Pregitzer | 1994 | Belowground Responses to Rising Carbon Dioxide: Implications for Plant, Soil Biota and Ecosystem Processes |
Gonzalez, O.J., and D.R. Zak | 1994 | Geostatistical Analysis of Soil Properties in a Tropical Dry Forest, St. Lucia, West Indes |
Holmes, W.E., and D.R. Zak | 1994 | Microbial Biomass Dynamics and Net Nitrogen Mineralization in Northern Hardwood Forests |
McFadden, J.P., N.W. MacDonald, J.A. Witter, and D.R. Zak | 1994 | Fine-Textured Soil Bands and Oak Forest Productivity in Northwestern Lower Michigan, U.S.A. |
Toland, D., and D.R. Zak | 1994 | Soil Respiration in Intact and Clearcut Northern Hardwood Forests |
Zak, D.R., D. Tilman, R.R. Parmenter, C.W. Rice, F.M. Fisher, J. Vose, D. Milchunas, and C.W. Martin | 1994 | Plant Production and Soil Microorganisms in Late-Successional Ecosystems: A Continental-Scale Study |
Groffman, P.M., D.R. Zak, S. Christensen, A. Mosier | 1993 | Early Spring Nitrogen Dynamics in a Temperate Forest Landscape |
Zak, D.R., D.F. Grigal, and L. Ohmann | 1993 | Kinetics of Microbial Respiration and Nitrogen Mineralization in Lake States Forests |
Zak, D.R., K.S. Pregitzer, P.S. Curtis, J.A. Terri, R. Fogel, and D.L. Randlett | 1993 | Elevated Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and Feedback Between Carbon and Nitrogen Cycles |
Merrill, A.G., and D.R. Zak | 1992 | Factors Controlling Denitrification in Upland and Wetland Forests |
Randlett, D.L., D.R. Zak, and N.W. MacDonald | 1992 | Sulfate Adsorption and Microbial Immobilization in Northern Hardwood Forests Along an Atmospheric Deposition Gradient |
Johnson, N.C., D.R. Zak, D. Tilman, and L.F. Pfleger | 1991 | Dynamics of Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorrhizae During Old Field Succession |
Zak, D.R., A.B. Hairston, and D.F. Grigal | 1991 | Topographical Influences on Nitrogen Cycling Within an Upland Pin Oak Ecosystem |
Zak, D.R., and D.F. Grigal | 1991 | Nitrogen Mineralization, Nitrification, and Denitrification in Upland and Wetland Ecosystems |
Updegraff, K., D.R. Zak, and D.F. Grigal | 1990 | The Nitrogen Budget of a Hybrid Poplar Plantation in Minnesota |
Zak, D.R., D.F. Grigal, S. Gleeson, and D. Tilman | 1990 | Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling During Secondary Succession: Constraints on Plant and Microbial Biomass |
Zak, D.R., P.M. Groffman, K.S. Pregitzer, S. Christensen, and J.M. Tiedje | 1990 | The Vernal Dam: Plant-Microbe Competition for Nitrogen in Northern Hardwood Forests |
Zak, D.R., and K.S. Pregitzer | 1990 | Spatial and Temporal Variability of Nitrogen Cycling in Northern Lower Michigan |
Zak, D.R., G.E. Host, and K.S. Pregitzer | 1989 | Regional Variability in Nitrogen Mineralization, Nitrification, and Overstory Biomass in Northern Lower Michigan |
Zak, D.R., and K.S. Pregitzer | 1988 | Nitrate Assimilation by Herbaceous Ground Flora in Late Successional Forests |
Zak, D.R., G.E. Host, and K.S. Pregitzer | 1986 | Landscape Variation of Nitrogen Mineralization and Nitrification |