Open post

ECM Conference paper out

In May 2018, the Zak lab (with financial support from the Beyond Carbon Neutral Seminar Series at SEAS) hosted a two-day symposium on ectomycorrhizal fungi and carbon storage, a rapidly developing research field in terrestrial ecosystem ecology. The goal for this was to gather researchers known for work on ECM and nutrient cycling together to...

Open post

USGS Grant awarded

The Zak lab was recently awarded a USGS grant thru the Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU). This grant, “Examining Phragmites’ microbiome for Potential Control Strategies”, will aid Wes Bickford (EEB PhD student) to further understand how the microbial communities of native and non-native phragmites interact to with their hosts and how that interaction affects establishment...

Open post

Peter awarded two fellowships!

Peter Pellitier has been awarded two student fellowships due to his outstanding work as a graduate student. The Mycological Society of America awards only two Graduate Fellowships each year to promising students of mycology and are evaluated based on their classwork, research and promise as a future mycologist. The Integrated Training in Microbial Systems (ITiMS)...

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