Don was named as a Distinguished University Professor back in July of 2020, which is a top honor at U of M to recognize faculty that have significant achievements and excellence their their chosen fields. Recently, the University held an event for some of the Distinguished University Professorship honorees to give a lecture on their work. Generally recipients give an inaugural lecture on a topic that spans the course of their career or encompasses highlights during their academic advancements. This event was held in Rachkam Amphiteatre on February 8th, 2022. Don gave a lecture on how he seeks to elucidate connections between soil microbial communities and ecosytem-level processes, titled “Soil Microbial Communities and the Future Functioning of Terrestrial Ecosystems”. There is a livestream of the event, including the other professors whom gave a talk Nancy Love (Environmental Engineering) and Arthur Lupia (Political Science), which can be found here.